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Bachelor of Engineering Program in Industrial Engineering (IE) with major in Dairy and Beverage Engineering (DBE) is the first program in Thailand exclusively designed to prepare students for emerging ASEAN and Global manufacturing markets.  Upon the completion of the program, students will have competencies in Industrial Engineering along with microbiology, holistic DBE process engineering, and the essential skills of collaborative management, leadership, and English.


This program aims not only to support the achievement of the Mahidol University’s visions and missions, but also to recognize as the premier undergraduate program in Dairy and Beverage Engineering as well.

After graduation, the IE-DBE graduates can perform Industrial Engineering professional practice at any organization particularly related to dairy and beverage business. 

      The graduates are expected to have the desired characteristics as follows:

1. Dairy and Beverage Engineering competencies at national and international levels or successfully pursuing advanced studies

2. Engagement in continuous professional development in response to technological and social challenges

3. Morals, moralities, ethics, professional ethics, leadership, team working, board mindset and life-long learning and very good English proficiency



Lect. Dr.Noppakorn  Phuraya 

​Asst.Prof. Thana  Sarttra

Asst.Prof. Dr. Supphachan  Rajsiri

Asst.Prof. Dr. Rung  Kittipichai
Lect. Dr. Chalat Santivarangkna

Lect. Dr. Donlaporn Saetae


Mr. Soksamnang Kong​

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