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Introduction to Dutch Mill


Introduction to Tetra Pak


DBE program was established from the demand of the continuously grown dairy and beverage industries to have a holistic engineer that has the awareness of microorganism to the products, while effectively manage the operation with quality and productivity.  The program has a close collaboration with the major manufacturers and suppliers that not only participate in the design and development of the curriculum but also support the laboratory renovation including the supply of necessary machines and equipment to gain the student competencies for dairy and beverage practices in addition to the industrial engineering foundation.  Our industrial collaborators also provide various training programs to enhance student experience, and scholarship to support a qualified student through the course of study.  The program is hosted by the Industrial Engineering Department, and this is the first program in southeast Asia.


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Introduction to Patkol

Qualified students will be awarded a full scholarship to support through the course of their study.  Selection process will be conducted by the program partners.  This open-up opportunity to the students with financial difficulty to support themselves.

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